Saturday, April 4, 2009

BJP's eternal gift to India : Terrorism

Lie 1 : Terrorism in Indian cities is result of minority appeasement policies of non-BJP/ Congress government.

Explanation : It seems the organizational memory of the party of old men has lost it’s function, there reasoning has touched an all time inferior point. As far as my memory goes in past till early 1990s, there was no such terrorism in Indian territory from any Muslim groups, except few in state of Jammu and Kashmir.
Ever since the Advani led group of bjp fanatics demolished the Babri Masjid on 6th of December, 1992 that thieves like Dawood Ibrahim started hitting at innocent people at random in Mumbai. The riots across the country in post-babri masjid demolition age killed thousands of Moslems and hindu, and BJP stands clear culprit for it. Demolition of one religious structure based on the fabricated historical facts and ideological manipulation of RSS planted the seed of modern day terrorism in India.

I don’t remember any act of terror committed by any Moslem between 1994 and 2000. Shootouts and bombings did took place but in state of Kashmir whose situation is not aligned with the terror situation of rest of the country.
In December of 1999, an Indian airline was hijacked by group off Pakistani terrorists and the BJP government released the three most dangerous terrorists locked up in Indian jail, the cabinet minister of the government himself flown the terrorists like “son-in-laws” to kandhahar. No wonder today almost all acts of terror originating from across the borders are blamed on one of those three terrorist. And today Mr.Advani calls Mr.Manmohan Singh to be the weakest Prime Minister of India, hypocrisy, ignorance and arrogance of highest order.

Then 2001 comes and the catastrophic 9/11 occurs, and in same year on 13th of December, group of people attacks Indian parliament when the POTA law was being discussed. The extra-ordinarily co-incidental attack let the draconian POTA rule to be passed in Parliament, and few innocent men like Professor Gilani were arrested and subjugated to humiliation and torture under the POTA and other inhuman laws. So far, things were still good. With the success of POTA in centre, the great murderer to be ever born on Indian soil Mr. Narendra Singh Modi , BJP leader and the chief minister of Gujarat plans and implements the ethnic cleansing of minority Moslems in his state on the line of Adolph Hitler on charge of train burning and killing of some kar-sevaks.. The world watched in shock the way innocent Moslems were killed in thousands. Not even pregnant women and old men were spared. Women were raped, molested and killed in front of there family. Infants were burned and the womb of mothers were left open by the goons and beast of BJP and it’s affiliate fanatic groups. The NDA government, led by BJP at New Delhi did nothing to stop the inhuman, merciless religious cleansing of minority population of India in the state of Gujarat.

Every secular and sensible person around the country was left ashamed of the Gujarat riots. This is the point from where non-stop acts of terrorism on Indian soil have started outside Kashmir. Before 2002, all terrorism activities in Indian mainland were either done by North Eastern separatist groups, Naxal groups or LTTE in south. But post Gujarat riot, the victims of riot and people across the border perhaps joined hand and started attacking on Indian soil in retaliation to what happened in Gujarat.
It’s the BJP which released dangerous terrorists. It’s BJP which planted the seed of terrorism. It’s the merciless inhuman acts of the past BJP governments which forces people to take up arms. Almost all major terror attacks can be linked to anti-minority and hate mongering activities of BJP governments in Indian state and at centre.

If there was no Communally charged Rath yatra and babri masjid demolition by the kar-sevaks led by L.K.Advani , there would have been no rioting in Indian cities and no Mumbai serial bomb blast by thieves and gangsters.

If there was no cowardice bargaining done by NDA government for release of Indian airline passenger in year 1999, the terrorist would have received a tough message that they shouldn’t expect the Government of India to to bow down to there demands.

If there was no mass killing of Moslems in Gujarat in year 2002 under the supervision of BJP government, the number of terrorist activities that have taken on Indian soil, allegedly by Moslems might not have been there. What was restricted to state of Kashmir till 1992, was forcefully imposed on rest of India by the coward and self-fish party of BJP.

PS : I am not trying justify any act of terror commited by any person or group of person on Indian soil or else where in the name of religion or other ideology. This post is meant to let BJP and it’s hooligans know about the reason, why today Indians are facing terrorism. It’s the BJP and only it’s affiliates who are responsible for it. In India terrorism is an act of retalition by the opressed and exploited people under the draconian rule of BJP government.

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